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Western Sydney Local Health District
Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children
An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide
Building on the results of the Healthy High Density for Kids qualitative study, in partnership with City of Parramatta, a joint working group including the Centre for Population Health, Western Sydney Local Health District, and Cities for Play have developed this document. The aim of the Guide is to showcase best practice projects and provide guidelines to support the health of children and families living in high density housing and neighbourhoods.

Lunch and Learn - Samantha Stokes
What happens after a Natural Disaster?
Implementing a recovery Plan
A copy of the presentation slides from the Lunch and Learn held in February 2024, on natural disaster recovery planning. The presentation was delivered by Samantha Stokes who manages the recovery program for the Wooroloo Bushfire and West Kimberley Floods at Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) and Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)
Gender Equity Insights 2023: Accelerating the pace of change
Research examining gender equality strategies used by Australian employers to determine what factors are accelerating change and closing gender pay gaps.
Analysis is based on data collected from nearly 4,800 Australian employers in the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.
The report finds the rate of improvement remains slow across a range of gender equity measures and highly variable between businesses and across industry sectors
The evidence-informed findings in the report advocate for workforce strategies to tackle gender balance, pay equity action plans, targets for governing bodies, equal access to highly paid roles (including part time senior roles), equal commitment to gender equality across occupational levels, continuity of actions following audits, continuous planning, and meaningful consultation with employees.

Plan International
Gender Compass Report 2023
First-of-its-kind research project which segments the broader Australian public into six groups according to their beliefs, policy preferences and behaviours in relation to gender equality.
The unique segmentation analysis was conducted on data gathered through an online survey of 2,522 Australians aged 16 years and over conducted in mid-2023.
To build a more gender-equal society, it is critical to shift social norms. Gender Compass helps to achieve this by acting as a tool through which targeted communications can be designed.

Future Transport Visions Group (FTVG), funded by the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund (UK).
Gender Equality Toolkit in Transport
Aims to inform transport professionals how the work that they do and the decisions that they make impact women's mobility, and to provide a resource to encourage them to be gender responsive, to ultimately create gender inclusive transport systems.

Caroline Criado Perez
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
From government policy and medical research, to technology, workplaces, and the media. Invisible Women reveals how in a world built for and by men humans systematically ignore half of the population, often with disastrous consequences. Caroline Criado Perez brings together case studies, stories and new research from across the world that illustrate the hidden ways in which women are forgotten, and the impact this has on us all.

WPN WA Annual General Meeting 2023
Download the presentation slides from our 2023 AGM

Feminist City
Leslie Kern
Examining the social inequalities built into cities, homes, and neighbourhoods, Feminist City offers an alternative vision in living differently, more justly and more sustainably in an urban world.

Women, Activism and Social Housing
Samantha Donnelly
A collection of recommendations for readings on women, activism, and social housing. Samantha's recommendations include The Real Story of the Bonobos Who Wore Spectacles by Adele Turin and Nella Bosnia, and Making Space: Women and the Man-Made Environment by Matrix.

10 Vintage Books that Celebrate International Women’s Day
Penguin Books
Books by women who made the world a fairer place for those that followed. From politicians to philosophers and novelists to suffragettes. Suggestions include Freedom by Margaret Atwood and A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft.

8 Brilliant Books to Celebrate International Women’s Day
Penguin Books
Modern books on feminism and gender equality. Recommendations include Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez, Taking up Space by Chelsea Kwakye and Ore Ogunbiyi, Skint Estate by Cash Carraway and The Five by Hallie Rubenhold.

These Lawyers Took Time Off to be Dads (and Their Careers are Fine)
Financial Review
Hannah Wootton provides social commentary about the parental leave and the impact on career progression.

Teen Girls Need Better Public Spaces to Hang Out
Alexandra Lange
Basketball courts, skate parks and playgrounds overlook an important demographic: teenage girls. A burgeoning design movement is trying to fix that.

Learn How to Design and Deliver Better Cities for Babies, Toddlers and Caregivers, because Cities that Work for Young Children, Work for Everyone
A six-week programme designed to help local governments develop urban strategies and systems that improve the lives of babies, toddlers and caregivers.

Why Cheaper Childcare is Good Economics
Grattan Institute
An article prepared by Danielle Wood and Kate Griffiths discussing the economic impacts of childcare. Higher female participation will provide a GDP boost double the cost Labor's childcare plan.

Women in Urbanism
Women in Urbanism
This Spotify podcast invites conversation from people who dedicate their lives to gender equality, sustainability and politics in cities around the world. Includes a wide range of urban professionals; from activists and planners to policymakers. Invites listeners to look at public spaces differently.

WPN WA International Womens Day Breakfast 2023
A copy of the presentation slides from our IWD event held at the Melbourne Hotel in the Perth CBD.

WPN WA Activity Report 2020 - 2021
This Activity Report provides a summary of our achievements and activities for the year.

WPN WA International Womens Day Breakfast 2022
A copy of the presentation slides from our IWD event held at the Hilton Hotel in the Perth CBD.

Gender Equity Insights 2022: The State of Inequality in Australia
Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre and Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Western Australia has the largest gender wage gap of any state and territory. This research identifies trends, policies and practices that have an influence. The analysis is based on data collected in the annual WGEA census of private sector employers. The report finds Australia's overall gender pay gap would narrow by a third if all industries and occupations achieved a 40:40:20 gender split.

Picture This
Make Space for Girls
Examines research with teenage girls and photos which shows how important safety is for park access.

Managing Unconscious Bias
WA Government
Guidance for hiring managers across the WA public sector in the application of contemporary best practice in recruitment.

What is the Gender Pay Gap?
Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Explains the complexity and myths of Australia’s gender pay gap. Closing the gender pay gap is important for Australia's economic future.

HyperSext City
Monash University and XYX Lab
A research repository that collates and references data and research based on lived experience, to highlight opportunities for the development of gender-sensitive approaches to design, architecture and urbanism.

Australia’s Gender Equality Scorecard
Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Key results from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s Employer Census 2021-22.

Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector (Victoria)
Victoria Government
View the current state and nature of gender equality in Victoria's public sector. The Baseline Rport provides an overview of the current state and nature of gender equality in organisations reporting under the Gender Equality Act 2020. The Insights Portal allows you to view the results of workplace gender audits by organisation or industry, and review Gender Equality Action.

Gender Inequality in Urban Mobility
Revolve Media
Interview with Rita Jacinto, Program Manager at the Division for Pedestrian Mobility in Lisbon, Portugal, whose work focuses on pedestrian accessibility as well as women in mobility, safety and convenience for women in transit.

Equal Pay Day
Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Equal Pay Day marks the additional days from the end of the financial year that Australian women must work, on average, to earn the same annual salary earned by men. Each year, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) calculates the national gender pay gap and the date of Equal Pay Day using the latest Average Weekly Earnings released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2022
UN Women
Annual report assessing the status of gender disparities around the world. The latest available SDG 5 data shows that the world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030. Based on the current rate of change, the 2022 report finds closing gaps in legal protections and removing discriminatory laws could take up to 286 years.

2023 Commonwealth Status of Women Report Card
Australian Government
Status of Women Report Card. Australia is ranked 43rd for gender equality internationally.

Women’s Health and Wellbeing Scorecard 2022
Monash University
Australia ranks 1st for women’s education but 70th on women’s economic security and opportunity. Women disproportionately have lower income, less engagement in the labour force and poorer health. This inequality costs $72 billion in lost GDP.

2023 State of the Future of Work Report
Melbourne University
Report finds male caregivers see fewer opportunities for advancement, have greater difficulty concentrating at work, have less time to get work done, are less productive and have a greater desire to quit than males without caregiving demands. Findings show half of male caregivers report feeling exhausted compared to a third of men without caregiving demands. Shared caring responsibilities are a key to gender equality and the report calls these findings “critical” as more men will need to step into caregiving roles to support ageing populations.

The ‘Great Resignation’ Didn’t Happen in Australia, but the ‘Great Burnout’ Did
The Conversation
Examines research by the University of Melbourne that showed women and parents were particularly vulnerable to burnout during the pandemic, intensifying women’s economic precarity, leading to reduced contributions to superannuation and fear of jobs being lost without the skills to re-enter employment.

Poverty in Australia 2023: Who Is Affected
University of New South Wales
Report finds poverty in Australia is highly gendered, with women who are the main income earners for their household experiencing almost twice the level of poverty in 2019-20 as their male counterparts.

How to Get More Women on Bikes? Better Biking Infrastructure, Designed by Women
The Conversation
Examines a recent study (2023) that found women experience gendered barriers to riding a bike compared with men. This includes a lack of supportive infrastructure, such as bike paths or protected lanes, to make them feel safer in traffic.

The Climate Load
Women's Agenda and Charles Sturt University
How climate change impacts women in Australia and the risks and opportunities ahead.

Commonwealth Workplace Gender Equality Amendment - Closing the Gender Pay Gap - Bill 2023
Parliament of Australia
From early 2024, the gender pay gap data of employers with 100 or more workers will be published. The Bill is a key reform to drive transparency and action towards closing the gender pay gap.

A Monument of One’s Own
A Momument of One's Own
Australia has more statues of animals than of women. Less than 4% of Australia’s statues represent historical female figures. Only 1% of Melbourne’s statues are of historical women, standing alone. There are over 110 statues of Captain Cook in Australia. A Monument of One’s Own is a NFP community campaign for statue equality.

Harvard Implicit Association Test
Harvard University
Harvard’s gender-career test, designed to uncover a range of subconscious biases in individuals taking the test.

Finding Her
Her Place Women's Museum
Australia’s first interactive state-wide map spotlighting public spaces across Victoria commemorating women.

Inequality on Steroids: The Distribution of Economic Growth in Australia
The Australian Institute
Since the 2009 GFC to the beginning of the pandemic, the bottom 90% of income earners received less than 7% of real per adult economic growth, while the top 10% received 93%. The pattern represents a radical reversal from recent Australian history, where the bottom 90% received around 90% of the benefits. Internationally Australia is an outlier, falling behind the EU, US, UK, China and Canada on the unequal distribution of gains.

Men Work Out on Time Borrowed from Women
Australian National University
New research from ANU finds that in heterosexual couples of working age, men working longer hours appears to have no impediment on their physical activity, with time instead ‘borrowed’ from their female partners. The pattern was observed regardless of the hours worked by the female partner.
In contrast, every hour worked by a woman was observed to impact her time for exercise. The study observes
women’s free time for their health is being increasingly squeezed to manage jobs and family, with flexibility in work time leading to women giving their health and wellbeing to their male partners.
The study suggests public policy needs to address the very different circumstances women face with work-life balance and address gender inequalities, to ensure both women and men have enough time for health and wellbeing.

Navigating a City that Wasn’t Planned for Women
The Conversation
Considers a recent study examining the relationship between the experience of women in the planning profession in Brisbane and the consideration of women’s issues in the city. Advocates for gender-mainstreaming solutions, tailored to the Australian context, to be placed at the heart of all stages of urban planning to inform women-friendly cities.

The Times They Aren't A-Changin
The Australian Institute
The report examines the barriers to closing the gender gap by reviewing Australia’s position within the industrial countries of the OECD. The report also uses data from the ABS and the ATO to highlight gender disparities across all levels of income, ranges of occupation and ages, as well as disparities regarding who undertakes the greater share of unpaid work. The report finds men have higher average salaries than women in 95% of all occupations, including those where women dominate the workforce. The report recommends policies to promote greater access to childcare and parental leave for both parents, family-friendly work practices, and the lifting of wages for industries dominated by women – most urgently in the care sector.

Culture Change
WPN WA and Urbis
A copy of the presentation slides from the PIA Young Planners Summit 2023 where Karen Wright from Urbis provided her insights on culture change in the workplace. Karen is the co-winner of the 2023 WPN Award.

Voices of Australia: RightsEd
Australian Human Rights Commission
This education module enables students to increase their awareness about experiences of diversity, discrimination, race relations, friendship and respect. This education resource is designed to complement the publication Voices of Australia: 30 years since the Racial Discrimination Act.

Lunch and Learn - Art, Culture and Creativity
WPN WA and Element
A copy of the presentation slides from the Lunch and Learn held in 2023, on public art, culture and creativity. The presentation was delivered by Kate Parker and Tegan Patrucco who are a part of the Art and Culture team at Element.

Gender Sensitive Spaces
ACT Government
The ACT Government has developed Gender Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines to ensure our city is a place all Canberran's are proud to call home. This resource was identified as anb action of the ACT Women's Plan 2026 and include two documents: the Urban Design Framework and an Implementation Toolkit. "The Framework and Toolkit is a profoundly positive step forward in setting the highest benchmarks for public spaces; ones that are equitable, inclusive, accessible, and safe for everyone, in particular women, girls, gender diverse and other vulnerable people" (page 5 of the Framework). "The Toolkit is a comprehensive resource designed to provide designers with essential principles, practices, and strategies for creating inclusive public spaces" (page 5 of the Toolkit).

WPN WA Activity Report 2022 - 2023
This Activity Report provides a summary of our achievements and activities for the year.

Lunch and Learn - Preparing an Award Nomination
WPN WA and Emma de Jager
A presentation about the WPN WA Awards, including tips and tricks from Emma de Jager to help you prepare a compelling nomination!

WPN WA International Womens Day Breakfast 2024
WPN WA and Dr Silvia Salazar
A copy of the Dr Silvia Salazar's presentation slides from our IWD event held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in the Perth CBD.